Antichrist & Jesus Christ in the United States (U.S.) $ Dollar ::: Part 1 of x

Sunday, February 14, 2010

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Keyword : bible code digest

Unlocking The Bible Codes Unlocking the Bible Codes", Version 2, is a powerful program that allows you to search the Hebrew Scriptures for hidden codes without ANY knowledge of Hebrew! Here's how it works: Type the English word you want to find. The program translates the word to Hebrew automatically, then searches and analyzes the Scripture, returning all hidden messages that contain your word.

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Keyword : unlocking the bible codes

December 2012, Mayan Calendar Doomsday, Astrology,Bible Code

What happens on December 21 2012, the date the Mayan calendar predicts for world destruction and the beginning of a New Age. Looked at with Astrology, Bible prophecy of the Book of Revelation, and theKing James version English Bible Code. Could this be the return of Christ? The world destroyed by an asteroid, comet, black hole, or supernova? Copyright 2008 by T. Chase. From the web site, for more on this see (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code.)

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Keyword : bible code book

Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 1/4

PART ONE -Is this phenomenon the Bible Code true or not true? -First 5 books of the Torah. -Rabbi who discovered the code of the Torah. -Eli Rips from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. -First Test -The Future has already been written. -Attempt to prove this is a lie by Yale & Harvard University. -The Pentagon gets involved. PART TWO -United States Intelligence Services on this matter. -Statistics Examples. -Odds 1 to a Million to 1 to Ten Million. -Possibility of the future being known. -Martian race from the past. -The Hebrew Race. -What the angel told Drunvalo about the Hebrews. -Torah written from the future. -Governments tracking the Bible Codes daily. -Delayed...Will you change this? -Zachariah Sitchin 12th Planet. -Book of Genesis in found in Ancient Sumeria. PART THREE -Atlantis and the Sumerians. -Proving this is real. -Proving this come from the future as well. -Akashic Records. -Neil Kramer explains the Akashic Records. -A vast network of DNA. PART FOUR -Every thing can be found in the Bible. -Applying the use of Sacred Geometry. -The 2nd Delay. -Using the Bible Codes for daily use. -Germany stopping WW3. -Yugoslavia's connection with Iraq. -A new way dawning soon. -Will you change this?

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Keyword : use bible code


Saturday, February 13, 2010

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Keyword : bible code pictures

Bible Code software - You can search for Bible Codes by yourself!

Is Your Name Encoded? The Bible code software-You can search for Bible Codes by yourself! Amazing Bible codes about prediction, prophecy, Armageddon, end of time ,Barak Obama...Click Here Now!

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Keyword : search the bible code

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : the bible code

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code Ep 2 (1 of 3)

This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes. Extra Tags: Plane Planes Building Buildings Words Phrases Modern Events Hidden in the Bible Future Events Found Message Author Michael Drosnin The Bible Code Debate Critics Cant Agree Argument Sway God Moses Mountain Mt Sinai Table Stone Law Written Ten Commandments Torah First Five Books of the Bible Scribe Old New Testament Scientific Evidence Proof

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Keyword : bible code michael drosnin


Friday, February 12, 2010

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Keyword : picture bible code

Shocking Obama Assassination Matrix

This Shocking Obama Assassination video is based on material from my unpublished encyclopedic book, which reveals the destiny codes easily found in non-ESL straightforward Sacred Scripture and throughout history. My book details the Five W's for thousands of ordinary daily Code Incidents and also major events, such as, political assassinations, election results, sports handicapping, 9-11, Indonesia Tsunami, New Orleans Disaster, Columbia Shuttle explosion. I can make this polished gem available only to top publishers or literary agents. Know this, I am not interested in 5 or 6, only 7 digits can produce "The Magic Number" to secure this unique guaranteed bestseller, which will undoubtedly grace store front tables all over the world.

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Keyword : my bible code

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : free bible code software

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code Ep 2 (2 of 3)

This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes. Extra Tags: Chariot of Fire Rider Timothy mcveigh Army Terry Nichols Conspirator Date April 1995 Hired Killer He Will Die May 7 1999 Examine New Millennium New York Daughter of Babylon Keith Jackson Revelations Broadcast National Television TV Special Key Words Arabs Warfare Many Weapons Small Bombs Devices City Burned Perish On Going Attack

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Keyword : bush bi ble code

Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 1/4

Thursday, February 11, 2010
PART ONE -Is this phenomenon the Bible Code true or not true? -First 5 books of the Torah. -Rabbi who discovered the code of the Torah. -Eli Rips from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. -First Test -The Future has already been written. -Attempt to prove this is a lie by Yale & Harvard University. -The Pentagon gets involved. PART TWO -United States Intelligence Services on this matter. -Statistics Examples. -Odds 1 to a Million to 1 to Ten Million. -Possibility of the future being known. -Martian race from the past. -The Hebrew Race. -What the angel told Drunvalo about the Hebrews. -Torah written from the future. -Governments tracking the Bible Codes daily. -Delayed...Will you change this? -Zachariah Sitchin 12th Planet. -Book of Genesis in found in Ancient Sumeria. PART THREE -Atlantis and the Sumerians. -Proving this is real. -Proving this come from the future as well. -Akashic Records. -Neil Kramer explains the Akashic Records. -A vast network of DNA. PART FOUR -Every thing can be found in the Bible. -Applying the use of Sacred Geometry. -The 2nd Delay. -Using the Bible Codes for daily use. -Germany stopping WW3. -Yugoslavia's connection with Iraq. -A new way dawning soon. -Will you change this?

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Keyword : use bible code

UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, and the Bible Code

Copyright 2008 by T. Chase. ufos, Flying Saucers, Aliens, this subject is discussed by looking for Bible Code matrices in the King James version Bible using Bible Code software. Book of Revelation chapter 4 in the Bible could be about aliens in a flying saucer UFO, and it appears in a Bible Code matrix shown in this video. The Bible Code is a way of finding hidden messages in Biblical text, in this case in the King James Bible. Could angels in the Bible be aliens? Are the Four Beasts in Revelation 4 actually 4 aliens on a UFO? Watch this video and decide for yourself. From the web site, for more on this see (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code.)

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Keyword : bible code video

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code download free

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code 1


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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Keyword : bible code list

Bible Code Search

keys to the bible

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Keyword : bible code searches

Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

This short clip catalogs 7 VERY STRANGE coincidences regarding Obama. It includes Gematria numbers, The Bible Code, His Arab roots documented, brief updates to OBAMA AND THE LOTTERY and OBAMA THE RENEGADE and much more.

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Keyword : bible code updates

Kathleen Keating: Bible Code - June 25th 2002 Pt5

Kathleen Keating on Mysteries of the Mind with Alex Merklinger, June 25th 2002. Topics include the Bible Code, UN, Malachi Martin, The Third Secret of Fatima, the antichrist and the apocalypse. Real News, but not for the faint of heart. For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....the remnant. This is from 8 years ago. 12 parts. Do a torrent search for the Bible should be available....if not I'll try to upload it in the near future...check CON CEN....later....

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Keyword : bible code news

Kathleen Keating: Bible Code - June 25th 2002 Pt5

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Kathleen Keating on Mysteries of the Mind with Alex Merklinger, June 25th 2002. Topics include the Bible Code, UN, Malachi Martin, The Third Secret of Fatima, the antichrist and the apocalypse. Real News, but not for the faint of heart. For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....the remnant. This is from 8 years ago. 12 parts. Do a torrent search for the Bible should be available....if not I'll try to upload it in the near future...check CON CEN....later....

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Keyword : search the bible code

Kathleen Keating: Bible Code - June 25th 2002 Pt5

Kathleen Keating on Mysteries of the Mind with Alex Merklinger, June 25th 2002. Topics include the Bible Code, UN, Malachi Martin, The Third Secret of Fatima, the antichrist and the apocalypse. Real News, but not for the faint of heart. For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....the remnant. This is from 8 years ago. 12 parts. Do a torrent search for the Bible should be available....if not I'll try to upload it in the near future...check CON CEN....later....

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Keyword : bible code antichrist

Cracking The Prophetic Code Cracking the Prophetic Code For centuries, students of the Bible, scholars, and theologians have studied and speculated over the exact meaning of the Book of Revelation. Countless attempts have been made to interpret each of these symbols as they relate to human history. Over the past several decades, great light has been shed on the beasts of Revelation, but the second beast is hardly talked about or understood. Cracking the Prophetic Code extracts the true meaning behind the symbolic and mysterious second beast, and finally explains who he is, and what he is doing before our very eyes, and yet remains unseen. You will be shocked, and spellbound by this video, which will take you through the panorama of human history, explaining historic events in their prophetic context, and bringing you to the doorstep of today. You will understand your world like never before, and the exciting dangerous moment in which we live, as Cracking the Prophetic Code pu ts all the pieces together with crystal clarity.

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Keyword : cracking the bible code

December 2012, Mayan Calendar Doomsday, Astrology,Bible Code

What happens on December 21 2012, the date the Mayan calendar predicts for world destruction and the beginning of a New Age. Looked at with Astrology, Bible prophecy of the Book of Revelation, and theKing James version English Bible Code. Could this be the return of Christ? The world destroyed by an asteroid, comet, black hole, or supernova? Copyright 2008 by T. Chase. From the web site, for more on this see (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code.)

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Keyword : bible code software

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

Monday, February 8, 2010
The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code 2007

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible codes

Chuck Missler - Hidden Torah Message Bible Code

Dr. Chuck Missler about the real Bible Code

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Keyword : bible code messages


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Keyword : bible code review

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code 1 of 9

Sunday, February 7, 2010
This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes.

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Keyword : bible code computer

Bible Code software - You can search for Bible Codes by yourself!

Is Your Name Encoded? The Bible code software-You can search for Bible Codes by yourself! Amazing Bible codes about prediction, prophecy, Armageddon, end of time ,Barak Obama...Click Here Now!

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Keyword : search bible code

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code Ep 2 (1 of 3)

This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes. Extra Tags: Plane Planes Building Buildings Words Phrases Modern Events Hidden in the Bible Future Events Found Message Author Michael Drosnin The Bible Code Debate Critics Cant Agree Argument Sway God Moses Mountain Mt Sinai Table Stone Law Written Ten Commandments Torah First Five Books of the Bible Scribe Old New Testament Scientific Evidence Proof

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Keyword : bible code michael drosnin

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code i

Iphone Clones Bible p168 hiphone ciphone sciphone p169 a88 599

Saturday, February 6, 2010 This is an interactive CD Rom so everything is well laid out and easy to navigate all with the click of the mouse just pop in the CD Rom and watch as your old phone turns into something new.If you are an iphone clone owner this is a necessity you can not afford to be without Heres just some of what you get: How to find firmware version,Latest news,How to fix a number of issues,tips,tricks,games,touch games,applications,how to add opera web browser,specs,best buy's,never before seen software,original files,manuals,how to mod equipment,backing up and flashing firmware,settings including internet,movie converters that work,java programs,gmail,mms,engineering codes and much much more this is exactly what it says a MEGA-GUIDE!! BONUS: Included you will also recieve a guide on how to get an 8GB Apple iphone 3G 100% Free

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Keyword : free bible codes software

BIBLE CODE - '10 End of Our World MegaTester

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Keyword : personal bible code

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code find

Unlocking The Bible Codes Unlocking the Bible Codes", Version 2, is a powerful program that allows you to search the Hebrew Scriptures for hidden codes without ANY knowledge of Hebrew! Here's how it works: Type the English word you want to find. The program translates the word to Hebrew automatically, then searches and analyzes the Scripture, returning all hidden messages that contain your word.

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Keyword : unlocking the bible codes

new mt view.of the BIBLE CODE PICTURES.

Friday, February 5, 2010

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Keyword : bible code website

Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-1

Bible code,prophecy,2012,cryptography,matrix,end of days,hidden codes,predictions, amazing.

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Keyword : the bible code 2

The 2012 Lie EXPOSED (2 of 2)

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Keyword : bible code pdf

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code video

Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 1/4

Thursday, February 4, 2010
PART ONE -Is this phenomenon the Bible Code true or not true? -First 5 books of the Torah. -Rabbi who discovered the code of the Torah. -Eli Rips from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. -First Test -The Future has already been written. -Attempt to prove this is a lie by Yale & Harvard University. -The Pentagon gets involved. PART TWO -United States Intelligence Services on this matter. -Statistics Examples. -Odds 1 to a Million to 1 to Ten Million. -Possibility of the future being known. -Martian race from the past. -The Hebrew Race. -What the angel told Drunvalo about the Hebrews. -Torah written from the future. -Governments tracking the Bible Codes daily. -Delayed...Will you change this? -Zachariah Sitchin 12th Planet. -Book of Genesis in found in Ancient Sumeria. PART THREE -Atlantis and the Sumerians. -Proving this is real. -Proving this come from the future as well. -Akashic Records. -Neil Kramer explains the Akashic Records. -A vast network of DNA. PART FOUR -Everythin g can be found in the Bible. -Applying the use of Sacred Geometry. -The 2nd Delay. -Using the Bible Codes for daily use. -Germany stopping WW3. -Yugoslavia's connection with Iraq. -A new way dawning soon. -Will you change this?

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Keyword : eliyahu rips bible code

True Bible Codes 2008 - God Speaks - Part 1

PROOF OF GOD exposed via New Bible Code format. It is a supreme revelation of the true language of God's own personal Bible Codes. Bible codes expose the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin.

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Keyword : true bible code

Weapons Bible Code New Testament Verses. A War on Islam or terror?

I posted this video because I found it absolutely shameful. What's next? Are they going to start writing on the nose of the bombs and missiles, "Here comes Jesus!" They laugh and think they are cleaver, but the only words of wisdom I heard was from the pastor saying to the troops they are to witness so we see them in the Kingdom. Not to strategically place a "jesus" bullet somewhere in the enemys cranium. This gives true Biblical Christianity a black eye. Absolutely shameful! tags: Weapons Bible Code New Testament Verses Jesus Christ War on Islam Iraqi Hidden

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Keyword : new bible code

Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 4/4

PART ONE -Is this phenomenon the Bible Code true or not true? -First 5 books of the Torah. -Rabbi who discovered the code of the Torah. -Eli Rips from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. -First Test -The Future has already been written. -Attempt to prove this is a lie by Yale & Harvard University. -The Pentagon gets involved. PART TWO -United States Intelligence Services on this matter. -Statistics Examples. -Odds 1 to a Million to 1 to Ten Million. -Possibility of the future being known. -Martian race from the past. -The Hebrew Race. -What the angel told Drunvalo about the Hebrews. -Torah written from the future. -Governments tracking the Bible Codes daily. -Delayed...Will you change this? -Zachariah Sitchin 12th Planet. -Book of Genesis in found in Ancient Sumeria. PART THREE -Atlantis and the Sumerians. -Proving this is real. -Proving this come from the future as well. -Akashic Records. -Neil Kramer explains the Akashic Records. -A vast network of DNA. PART FOUR -Everythin g can be found in the Bible. -Applying the use of Sacred Geometry. -The 2nd Delay. -Using the Bible Codes for daily use. -Germany stopping WW3. -Yugoslavia's connection with Iraq. -A new way dawning soon. -Will you change this?

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Keyword : use bible code

Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-1

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bible code,prophecy,2012,cryptography,matrix,end of days,hidden codes,predictions, amazing.

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Keyword : the bible code 2

bible code sunday at captain morgans after celt and gers game

the best celtic supporters pub in london

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Keyword : bible code sunday

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code Ep 2 (2 of 3)

This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes. Extra Tags: Chariot of Fire Rider Timothy mcveigh Army Terry Nichols Conspirator Date April 1995 Hired Killer He Will Die May 7 1999 Examine New Millennium New York Daughter of Babylon Keith Jackson Revelations Broadcast National Television TV Special Key Words Arabs Warfare Many Weapons Small Bombs Devices City Burned Perish On Going Attack

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Keyword : bible c odes 2000

Torah (Bible) Code 11 years of research in 3.5 minutes, Art Levitt

Based on collaboration with Professor of Mathematics, Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University, and his team. He is a pioneer in computerizing the codes, since the 1970s. I joined the team in 1997 and have been working non-stop. Here are the most recent, simplest and strongest results, involving Messiah, bin Laden and the objectively measureable aspects of these codes (please see for details). There is an unfortunate proliferation on the web, of misleading and unsubstantiated "non-codes", or false accusations about the substantiated codes. This causes some people to dismiss the phenomenon. This video, and the written points that follow it on attempt to separate out the subtle points that make all the difference. The more one studies the rigorous evidence, the more one can see through the rumors and glimpse the reality of this open secret.

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Keyword : torah bible code

Shocking Obama Assassination Matrix

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This Shocking Obama Assassination video is based on material from my unpublished encyclopedic book, which reveals the destiny codes easily found in non-ESL straightforward Sacred Scripture and throughout history. My book details the Five W's for thousands of ordinary daily Code Incidents and also major events, such as, political assassinations, election results, sports handicapping, 9-11, Indonesia Tsunami, New Orleans Disaster, Columbia Shuttle explosion. I can make this polished gem available only to top publishers or literary agents. Know this, I am not interested in 5 or 6, only 7 digits can produce "The Magic Number" to secure this unique guaranteed bestseller, which will undoubtedly grace store front tables all over the world.

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Keyword : bible code book


The latest Torah Code 2012 trailer for the upcoming film, in 2010.

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Keyword : latest bible code

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code Ep 2 (1 of 3)

This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes. Extra Tags: Plane Planes Building Buildings Words Phrases Modern Events Hidden in the Bible Future Events Found Message Author Michael Drosnin The Bible Code Debate Critics Cant Agree Argument Sway God Moses Mountain Mt Sinai Table Stone Law Written Ten Commandments Torah First Five Books of the Bible Scribe Old New Testament Scientific Evidence Proof

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Keyword : bible code michael drosnin

We Want Our Old Cable TV Back!!!!!

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Keyword : bible code 111

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

Monday, February 1, 2010
See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code downloads

Unlocking The Bible Codes Unlocking the Bible Codes", Version 2, is a powerful program that allows you to search the Hebrew Scriptures for hidden codes without ANY knowledge of Hebrew! Here's how it works: Type the English word you want to find. The program translates the word to Hebrew automatically, then searches and analyzes the Scripture, returning all hidden messages that contain your word.

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Keyword : bible codes program

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code find

Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-1

Bible code,prophecy,2012,cryptography,matrix,end of days,hidden codes,predictions, amazing.

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Keyword : bible code 2012

Bible Code Search

Sunday, January 31, 2010
keys to the bible

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Keyword : search the bible code

Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

This short clip catalogs 7 VERY STRANGE coincidences regarding Obama. It includes Gematria numbers, The Bible Code, His Arab roots documented, brief updates to OBAMA AND THE LOTTERY and OBAMA THE RENEGADE and much more.

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Keyword : bible code prophecies

Javier Solana in the Bible Codes? Antichrist, European Union - FOTM1

Who is Javier Solana? Is he mentioned in the "Bible Codes"? Should we be paying more attention to this guy? FOTM produced this video from information provided by Constance Cumbey ( ). We're not endorsing the whole idea of Bible codes or how they are used. Constance asked us to produce this and get it out to the world. Both she and we are skeptical of this, but felt it compelling enough to at least need to be shared. We're not saying that Solana is the Antichrist - but we're certainly saying that people should be a lot more aware! If he IS and the European Neighborhood Program is the seven year peace treaty, then we are now TWO YEARS into it! Maybe the Pre-Trib folks could start reconsidering their position and getting the Church ready to endure persecution. That would be nice. More at http and .

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Keyword : bible code antichrist

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : the bible code download

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code end of the w orld

Bible Code II - Apocolypse - Part - 1/5

The Bible is an ancient text that, while providing truths and guidance for many, has always been surrounded by controversy. One such controversy centers on claims that the Scripture is in fact a coded mechanism for predicting the future and that, if one knows where to look, one can find references to Hitler, Napoleon, Einstein, WWII and 9/11. More importantly, the code reveals events that are still yet to occur. THE HISTORY CHANNEL® has undertaken a balanced, intensive examination of this highly-charged theory. The programs collected here invite believers and skeptics, as well as independent analysts, to weigh in on the subject. What is to be made of the military's interest in the code? Can the Bible be interpreted as the world's first computer? Playlist - 9 Parts

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Keyword : bible code history channel

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code michael

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : try bible code

Amazing Bible Code Predictions

Friday, January 29, 2010

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Keyword : bible code youtube

Torah (Bible) Code 11 years of research in 3.5 minutes, Art Levitt

Based on collaboration with Professor of Mathematics, Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University, and his team. He is a pioneer in computerizing the codes, since the 1970s. I joined the team in 1997 and have been working non-stop. Here are the most recent, simplest and strongest results, involving Messiah, bin Laden and the objectively measureable aspects of these codes (please see for details). There is an unfortunate proliferation on the web, of misleading and unsubstantiated "non-codes", or false accusations about the substantiated codes. This causes some people to dismiss the phenomenon. This video, and the written points that follow it on attempt to separate out the subtle points that make all the difference. The more one studies the rigorous evidence, the more one can see through the rumors and glimpse the reality of this open secret.

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Keyword : bible code researcher

Bible Code software - You can search for Bible Codes by yourself!

Is Your Name Encoded? The Bible code software-You can search for Bible Codes by yourself! Amazing Bible codes about prediction, prophecy, Armageddon, end of time ,Barak Obama...Click Here Now!

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Keyword : bible code finder

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

Thursday, January 28, 2010
See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: If you wish to translate the subtitles you can download them from: Then send me a link to them and I'll add them to the video. And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code find

Bush Said 'CRUSADE" Obama Still Delivers.. Onward Christian Soldier

Downloaded from youtube user bibleortraditions This video discovered by reading blogger.. Perhaps some fellow Christians might be interested in this vid and what this blogger has to say about the plight of Christians in Iraq now that we have liberated them. So long as you think that we are on the side of God... right???? Perhaps we can pay for our sins in cash one day. Not so surprising, If you look at this in light of recent testimony by former employees in the Blackwater (Now known as Xe) case. A major company that contracts security to USA ie. A mercenary company, which has engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq, and is currently engaged also in Pakistan, even though the Pakistan Gov is not permitted to employ foreign troops, they are SUB-contracted to a local company. Mr Prince (founder of Xe) thinks he's a Christian Crusader, is designating call signs to his men of personalities from the crusades and thinks his troops should go out a nd kill all Muslims.

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Keyword : bible code india

Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-1

Bible code,prophecy,2012,cryptography,matrix,end of days,hidden codes,predictions, amazing.

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Keyword : bible code ii

Shocking Obama Assassination Matrix

This Shocking Obama Assassination video is based on material from my unpublished encyclopedic book, which reveals the destiny codes easily found in non-ESL straightforward Sacred Scripture and throughout history. My book details the Five W's for thousands of ordinary daily Code Incidents and also major events, such as, political assassinations, election results, sports handicapping, 9-11, Indonesia Tsunami, New Orleans Disaster, Columbia Shuttle explosion. I can make this polished gem available only to top publishers or literary agents. Know this, I am not interested in 5 or 6, only 7 digits can produce "The Magic Number" to secure this unique guaranteed bestseller, which will undoubtedly grace store front tables all over the world.

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Keyword : bible code book

Bible Code Search

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
keys to the bible

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Keyword : search the bible code

Bible Code software - You can search for Bible Codes by yourself!

Is Your Name Encoded? The Bible code software-You can search for Bible Codes by yourself! Amazing Bible codes about prediction, prophecy, Armageddon, end of time ,Barak Obama...Click Here Now!

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Keyword : bible code programs

new mt view.of the BIBLE CODE PICTURES.


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Keyword : bible code website

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : bible code future

new mt view.of the BIBLE CODE PICTURES.


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Keyword : bible code pictures

Bible Codes! (Part 1 of 4).

VISION OF THE END OF THE USA - GO TO: ---------- Could Fall 2009 be the beginning of the 7-year tribulation period? For more information -- GO TO: ---------- Web Bots Predicts Major Middle East War by FALL, 2009! -- GO TO: ---------- Prophesied destruction of Damascus, Syria IMMINENT! -- GO TO: ---------- Is there life after death? Are Heaven and Hell real? For more videos -- GO TO: ---------- ONE DAY YOU WILL DIE ...

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Keyword : bible code history channel

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

Monday, January 25, 2010
The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code 2007

Torah (Bible) Code 11 years of research in 3.5 minutes, Art Levitt

Based on collaboration with Professor of Mathematics, Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University, and his team. He is a pioneer in computerizing the codes, since the 1970s. I joined the team in 1997 and have been working non-stop. Here are the most recent, simplest and strongest results, involving Messiah, bin Laden and the objectively measureable aspects of these codes (please see for details). There is an unfortunate proliferation on the web, of misleading and unsubstantiated ...

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Keyword : bible code research

CodeFinder Millennium Edition

Find out more about the CodeFinder Millennium Edition Bible Code Software. Visit us at

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Keyword : bible codefinder

Bible Code Search

keys to the bible

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Keyword : bible code searches

UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, and the Bible Code

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Copyright 2008 by T. Chase. UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, this subject is discussed by looking for Bible Code matrices in the King James version Bible using Bible Code software. Book of Revelation chapter 4 in the Bible could be about aliens in a flying saucer UFO, and it appears in a Bible Code matrix shown in this video. The Bible Code is a way of finding hidden messages in Biblical text, in this case in the King James Bible. Could angels in the Bible be aliens? Are the Four Beasts in ...

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Keyword : the bible code book

Encounters with the Unexplained - Secrets of the Bible Code Ep 2 (2 of 3)

This show examines whether or not the bible has hidden codes of past present and future events in it called the bible codes. Extra Tags: Chariot of Fire Rider Timothy McVeigh Army Terry Nichols Conspirator Date April 1995 Hired Killer He Will Die May 7 1999 Examine New Millennium New York Daughter of Babylon Keith Jackson Revelations Broadcast National Television TV Special Key Words Arabs Warfare Many Weapons Small Bombs Devices City Burned Perish On Going Attack...

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Keyword : bibl e codes 2000

The Passion (6 of 6) - BBC Short Film

. Part 6 of 6 - Jesus' Death (the full version including the Resurrection can be found elsewhere within You-Tube - I for one almost missed the whole series and only recorded this part. For more information on Crucifiction and its meaning, see . ... short film BBC Reenactment Passion Christ Jesus Jesua Nazareth Jerusalem Judaism Crucifiction Moderate Message Messiah Prophet Holy Bible Code Codix Christianity Religion Lifestyle Moral Ethic Sacrifice Resurrection Pastor More ...

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Keyword : bible code wikipedia

Weapons Bible Code New Testament Verses. A War on Islam or terror?

I posted this video because I found it absolutely shameful. What's next? Are they going to start writing on the nose of the bombs and missiles, "Here comes Jesus!" They laugh and think they are cleaver, but the only words of wisdom I heard was from the pastor saying to the troops they are to witness so we see them in the Kingdom. Not to strategically place a "jesus" bullet somewhere in the enemys cranium. This gives true Biblical Christianity a black eye. Absolutely shameful! tags: Weapons ...

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Keyword : < b>bible code words

Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

Saturday, January 23, 2010
This short clip catalogs 7 VERY STRANGE coincidences regarding Obama. It includes Gematria numbers, The Bible Code, His Arab roots documented, brief updates to OBAMA AND THE LOTTERY and OBAMA THE RENEGADE and much more.

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Keyword : bible code updates

unlocking the bible code

sometimes we use interesting words in Christian language, but do people really know what these interesting words actually mean? watch as we ask people down the street

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Keyword : unlocking the bible code

Bible Code software - You can search for Bible Codes by yourself!

Is Your Name Encoded? The Bible code software-You can search for Bible Codes by yourself! Amazing Bible codes about prediction, prophecy, Armageddon, end of time ,Barak Obama...Click Here Now!

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Keyword : bible code barrack

Obama Assassination vs MLK Alive

This Shocking Obama Assassination video is based on material from my unpublished encyclopedic book, which reveals the destiny codes easily found in non-ESL straightforward Sacred Scripture and throughout history. My book details the Five W's for thousands of ordinary daily Code Incidents and also major events, such as, political assassinations, election results, sports handicapping, 9-11, Indonesia Tsunami, New Orleans Disaster, Columbia Shuttle explosion. I can make this polished gem ...

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Keyword : my bible code

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

Friday, January 22, 2010
The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled....

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Keyword : hidden bible codes

Torah (Bible) Code 11 years of research in 3.5 minutes, Art Levitt

Based on collaboration with Professor of Mathematics, Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University, and his team. He is a pioneer in computerizing the codes, since the 1970s. I joined the team in 1997 and have been working non-stop. Here are the most recent, simplest and strongest results, involving Messiah, bin Laden and the objectively measureable aspects of these codes (please see for details). There is an unfortunate proliferation on the web, of misleading and unsubstantiated ...

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Keyword : eliyahu rips bible code

Antichrist & Jesus Christ in the United States (U.S.) $ Dollar ::: Part 1 of x

Geometry (Stephen Skinner), Mathematical Mysteries (Clawson), EndTimeTuber, Thomas Nelson New King James Libronix E-Bible Study, QuickVerse E-Bible 2008, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIBLE FACTS (Mark Water), The Coming Prince (Sir Robert Anderson), HTML Bible John Hurt, James Strong's Concordance, Dictionary of Chemistry (DWA Sharp), Greek-English Interlinear NASB-NIV Parallel New Testament, Reader Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary, etymology dictionary, PBS NOVA Beast = ∑ = S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3∩ S4 ∩ ...

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Keyword : bible code digest


Mayan Prophecy for 2012, as touted by various foreign New Agers who have no knowledge of Mayan culture, language, or religion, is twaddle. * The 1997 book The Bible Code claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth. * The book The Nostradamus Code speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by a comet (possibly as above) that will allow the third Antichrist to disperse his troops around the globe under the ...

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Keyword : bible code review

UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, and the Bible Code

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Copyright 2008 by T. Chase. UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens, this subject is discussed by looking for Bible Code matrices in the King James version Bible using Bible Code software. Book of Revelation chapter 4 in the Bible could be about aliens in a flying saucer UFO, and it appears in a Bible Code matrix shown in this video. The Bible Code is a way of finding hidden messages in Biblical text, in this case in the King James Bible. Could angels in the Bible be aliens? Are the Four Beasts in ...

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Keyword : english bible code

John MacArthur Speaks about The Bible Code

This portion was extracted from John MacArthur's sermon entitled, "Assorted Attacks on the Bible" (August 27, 2006). Please visit for more of John MacArthur's sermons. Please also visit - a ministry involved in street evangelism.

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Keyword : bible codes for 2006

The Cryptic Revealer (Gematria / Beast Code Application)

Here is a simple application for calculating and decoding text. This is related to Gematria or gimatria, beast code, etc. Download it free at The default settings subtract 64 from the ascii value of a character, so that the letter A has a value of 1. Then the character is multiplied...

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Keyword : bible code application

Bible Code software - You can search for Bible Codes by yourself!

Is Your Name Encoded? The Bible code software-You can search for Bible Codes by yourself! Amazing Bible codes about prediction, prophecy, Armageddon, end of time ,Barak Obama...Click Here Now!

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Keyword : bible code name

The Davinci Code is Wrong

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Five errors the DaVinci Code puts forth about Jesus and the Bible. Find out how they are not true. Jesus is Divine and the Bible is the Word of God.

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Keyword : bible code wrong

Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-1

Bible code,prophecy,2012,cryptography,matrix,end of days,hidden codes,predictions, amazing.

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Keyword : bible code prediction

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled....

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Keyword : bible code michael

Amazing Bible Code Predictions ( ;

See what amazing messages are hidden in the bible. When will the world end? Is the earth flat? Is the Loch Ness monster real? Are Bert and Ernie Gay? Is the sky really blue? Find the answers to these and many more questions with the Bible Code. To download this video copyright free go to: To try the bible code for yourself go to: And remember to always Think about it.

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Keyword : free bible code search

Solfeggio Harmonics - 528 HZ - Miracle

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Solfeggio frequency 528 HZ accompanying, a multidimensional sound-scape of healing frequencies and symbols. Audio downloads are available for purchase at: Please visit for powerful transformational media produced by Rysa5 and the Gold Ring Media Group. ... solfeggio sound frequency 528 HZ reiki healing music sonic alchemy vibratory tuning DNA bible code sacred geometry

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Keyword : buy bible code

Michael Shermer Decodes the Bible Code

The Bible Code claims that hidden in the first five books of the Bible in its original Hebrew text are hidden messages in code that made predictions thousands of years ago about current events, such as the assassination of JFK and the end of the world. In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled.

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Keyword : bible code i

Bible Code 2: Apocolypse and beyond part-3

Bible code,prophecy,2012,cryptography,matrix,end of days,hidden codes,predictions, amazing.

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Keyword : bible code 3

Torah (Bible) Code 11 years of research in 3.5 minutes, Art Levitt

Based on collaboration with Professor of Mathematics, Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University, and his team. He is a pioneer in computerizing the codes, since the 1970s. I joined the team in 1997 and have been working non-stop. Here are the most recent, simplest and strongest results, involving Messiah, bin Laden and the objectively measureable aspects of these codes (please see for details). There is an unfortunate proliferation on the web, of misleading and unsubstantiated ...

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Keyword : bible code researcher